Toloka Field Surveys Help Yandex Fuel: a case study

Toloka Team
by Toloka Team

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About Yandex.Fuel

The Yandex.Fuel mobile app is a cashless way to pay for gas without using the gas station checkout. If the station has an attendant available to pump fuel, you don't even need to get out of the car.

Use Case

Yandex.Fuel is growing fast, even more in outlying areas than in major cities. The Yandex team has been working hard to promote it by placing ads and launching marketing campaigns. To find out how effective their gas station branding campaign is, Yandex.Fuel turned to Toloka.

The service team sent promo materials to gas stations and wanted to make sure that they were using them correctly, and that the Yandex.Fuel logo was visible to customers. As soon as the coronavirus lockdown ended, Tolokers had new field tasks waiting for them.

Gas stations

The experiment involved about 10 chains and more than 250 gas stations across the country. Performers had to find the right gas station and take photos of branded materials or report that these materials were missing:

  • Stickers
  • Attendant vests
  • Decorative flags

We made the task interface simple and familiar to Tolokers.

Task example


Tolokers checked more than 150 locations. The experiment is ongoing, but the Yandex.Fuel team is already using the first batch of results to adjust the gas station branding campaign. Photos received from the task performers showed the requesters how much variance there is in gas stations outside of major metropolitan areas, which helped them quickly assess the situation and adapt branding to different chains. The experiment confirmed Toloka's instrumental role in completing a wide variety of field tasks. We've also learned that our Tolokers have access to cars and are available to complete tasks even in very remote areas.
Article written by:
Toloka Team
Toloka Team

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