
Toloka certification

Why are we launching a certification program?

We strive to make a consistent and responsible approach to working with data a standard in our industry. We also want to build a community 
of experts who share these principles and have the tools to implement a complete data labeling cycle: from breaking down a business challenge 
to assessing the quality of the collected data. That's why we're launching a training and certification program for crowd solution architects.

What's great about being a certified Toloka partner?

With certification from Toloka, you can:

  • Be recommended for the position of CSA/data engineer at companies that are Toloka's data labeling clients.
  • Get listed as a certified partner and offer data collection and labeling services to your clients.
  • Prove that you possess the skills that are valuable for ML/AI projects.

How does Toloka certification work?

There are two levels in the certification program:

  • Basic level

    A partner who has passed the basic certification level knows how to deal with the most popular data labeling tasks and manage them all the way through: from receiving specifications to preparing the final datasets and evaluating their quality.

    Areas of expertise:

    • Preprocessing datasets
    • Setting up projects in Toloka
    • Carrying out project quality control
    • Performing data aggregation
    • Calculating data quality metrics
    • Working with the API
  • SME level
    Coming soon

    This is a set of next-level areas of expertise: CV, NLP, translation, field crowdsourcing, and more. After getting basic certification, you can obtain different SME levels by either focusing on the ones that are most relevant to you or mastering all of them.

    Areas of expertise:

    • Computer vision
    • Natural language processing
    • Search revelance
    • Feet-on-street crowdsourcing

How to prepare for Toloka certification

Ready to become a CSA?
