
crowdkit.aggregation.classification.gold_majority_vote.GoldMajorityVote | Source code


The Gold Majority Vote model is used when a golden dataset (ground truth) exists for some tasks.

It calculates the probability of a correct label for each worker based on the golden set. After that, the sum of the probabilities of each label is calculated for each task. The correct label is the one with the greatest sum of the probabilities.

For example, you have 10 000 tasks completed by 3 000 different workers. And you have 100 tasks where you already know the ground truth labels. First, you can call fit to calculate the percentage of correct labels for each worker. And then call predict to calculate labels for your 10 000 tasks.

The following rules must be observed:

  1. All workers must complete at least one task from the golden dataset.
  2. All workers from the dataset that is submitted to predict must be included in the response dataset that is submitted to fit.

Parameters description


The task labels. The pandas.Series data is indexed by task so that labels.loc[task] is the most likely true label of tasks.


The workers' skills. The pandas.Series data is indexed by worker and has the corresponding worker skill.


The probability distributions of task labels. The pandas.DataFrame data is indexed by task so that result.loc[task, label] is the probability that the task true label is equal to label. Each probability is in the range from 0 to 1, all task probabilities must sum up to 1.


import pandas as pd
from crowdkit.aggregation import GoldMajorityVote
df = pd.DataFrame(
['t1', 'p1', 0],
['t1', 'p2', 0],
['t1', 'p3', 1],
['t2', 'p1', 1],
['t2', 'p2', 0],
['t2', 'p3', 1],
columns=['task', 'worker', 'label']
true_labels = pd.Series({'t1': 0})
gold_mv = GoldMajorityVote()
result = gold_mv.fit_predict(df, true_labels)

Methods summary

fitFits the model to the training data.
fit_predictFits the model to the training data and returns the aggregated results.
fit_predict_probaFits the model to the training data and returns probability distributions of labels for each task.
predictPredicts the true labels of tasks when the model is fitted.
predict_probaReturns probability distributions of labels for each task when the model is fitted.

Last updated: March 31, 2023
