Show hints

Use hints to convey important information to Tolokers, help them resolve issues and fill out fields correctly, and alert them when they attempt certain actions. Template Builder provides auxiliary components for different needs.

Add fixed alerts at the top of the screen

To keep Tolokers aware of important information, add fixed alerts above the tasks: this is the text at the top of the screen that never disappears when Tolokers navigate between the task suites.

For example, such messages can be helpful when the requester edits the instructions and wants to keep Tolokers updated.

Use the plugin.toloka plugin to add fixed alerts. To add one or more messages, specify them in the notifications property.

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Specify the causes for validation errors

To help Tolokers resolve issues that cause errors, give more specific causes for validation errors. For this purpose, you can add the hint property to any condition.

View example

Add explanations to the fields with the help of hints

To add small explanations to elements, use the hint property: it's added to every data entry element and display element. Hints are shown when Tolokers click image.

View example

Show notifications

You can use notifications to inform your Tolokers. Notifications are displayed in the lower-left corner of the screen. You can set the color and time parameters for notifications.

To show notifications when Tolokers click a button, add the view.action-button element to the template and set the action property to action.notify.

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Contact support

Last updated: February 10, 2023

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