May the crowd be with you: advanced crowdsourcing

Our CEO discusses several cases where advanced crowdsourcing plays an essential role in business products - from search engines to self-driving cars.



Crowdsourcing has become a popular technique to obtain high-quality data. Nowadays, the scope of problems that can be solved with crowdsourcing goes well beyond conventional image classification. In this talk, Olga Megorskaya discusses several cases where advanced crowdsourcing, ranging from offline data collection to software testing, plays an essential role in various business products — from search engines to self-driving cars.


Olga Megorskaya
TolokaOlga graduated from the Saint Petersburg State University as a specialist in Mathematical Methods and Modeling in Economics. Olga is a co-author of research papers and tutorials on efficient crowdsourcing and quality control at SIGIR, CVPR, KDD, WSDM, and SIGMOD, and led the panel discussion at the Crowd Science workshop at NeurIPS'20. She is a PC member of TheWebConf2021.


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