Earn extra cash
on the go

Complete city tasks while you walk
or commute and get paid more!

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Why Toloka

  • 245,000 performers worldwide trust Toloka
  • Legit app that pays! Withdrawals start from $0.02
  • Tolokers earn $12-25 a week, on average
  • Just 2-3 hours a day for decent extra cash
  • Be part of global technology with Toloka


Gemma S.
“Toloka is a legit app. It will pay you really I just cashed out $1. There are no minimum payouts and that is what I love about this app.”

Toloka. Earn online Rating 4.4 239k+ reviews
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How it works

  • Download the app and take a few minutes to sign up
  • Select a task nearby using the map in the app
  • Walk, bike, or commute to it; you can pick other tasks on your way
  • Take photos and record videos of specific settings, actions, and places
  • Wait till it gets approved and withdraw your earnigs

Start earning money 
with Toloka now

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Discover city sights

Take pictures of statues, fountains, parks and other city places


Check on important urban facilities

Evaluate the condition of roads, sidewalks, billboards or other city elements


Verify location of stores and offices

Visit the specified place to see if the company is there


Look for available products

Come to a store to see if certain products are there


Find prices

Visit stores to identify prices for certain products


Withdraw your money

If you need help withdrawing earned 
money, visit our help page

Scan to download Toloka 
to your mobile device

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Start earning money 
with Toloka now

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