Closing the gap: how Toloka’s AI Tutors align LLMs for better results

Toloka Team
by Toloka Team

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At Toloka, we’re doing lots of new things with generative AI — like building data annotation pipelines that integrate LLMs and human input. Today we’d like to dig into the human part of the equation. Just who are the human experts collaborating with LLMs?

Introducing AI Tutors

Meet our AI Tutors — experts with profound linguistic knowledge ready to advance AI language projects and help you build accurate, unbiased AI apps.

AI Tutors add an extra layer of insight on top of Toloka’s global crowd. This carefully selected workforce handles complex written tasks for LLM projects that demand exceptional quality. Their job is to guide AI products towards a responsible and ethical future.


Here are some examples of what AI Tutors can do:

  • Create best-in-class texts to fine-tune LLMs
  • Perform fact-checking and high accuracy classifications
  • Write prompts and conversations for LLMs
  • Conduct controlled red-teaming exercises

Going beyond English in LLMs

While popular LLMs are pre-trained mostly on English content, many companies are fine-tuning LLMs to perform equally well in other languages. Toloka offers unique multilingual support for collecting text data and evaluating LLMs.

Our growing community of AI Tutors is distributed across the globe, with 8 world languages currently supported (and more languages on the way!). If you’re looking for non-English data, keep in mind that other data providers may offer a translated or adapted product with inferior results.

At Toloka, language support means we have a vetted team of language speakers ready for your projects. AI Tutors write in their native language to craft the most natural-sounding texts and boost the accuracy of your LLM-based products.

How we select AI Tutors

Our AI Tutors pass a rigorous set of tests and interviews to verify language skills with versatile styles of writing, fact checking, grammar, and ethics. We train our teams to follow the principles of Responsible AI and make sure that every task contributes to building AI that is trustworthy, fair, helpful, and safe.

In turn, we monitor projects diligently and protect the mental health of our AI Tutors by limiting exposure to sensitive content — an important part of our commitment to Responsible AI.

How we control quality

  • Our tailor-made approach delivers customized onboarding to train the AI Tutor team before the start of each project.
  • Two-way communication with AI Tutors provides feedback for calibrating requirements and expectations along the way.
  • Spot checks detect quality issues to resolve with the editorial team.

The result is exceptional quality for aligning your AI.

How your projects can benefit from AI Tutors

1. Expert input for complex challenges: Educate your models with well-written texts that can’t be scraped from the web, run fact checking on complicated topics, and more.

2. Unbiased approach: Our diverse global teams collaborate on guiding your AI to be fair and unbiased.

3. Optimal quality in new languages: Adapt an LLM to a specific language or region with the expertise of native speakers who know the ins and outs of the cultural and political context.

4. Efficiency and flexibility: We can design a custom pipeline to combine input from AI Tutors, LLMs, and our general crowd for best performance at each stage of your ML project.

If you have complex AI problems to solve, we can help you discover the best solution and curate an AI Tutor team for your needs.

Reach out to discuss what kind of experts or languages can propel your product forward.

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Article written by:
Toloka Team
Toloka Team

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More about Toloka

  • Our mission is to empower businesses with high quality data to develop AI products that are safe, responsible and trustworthy.
  • Toloka is a European company. Our global headquarters is located in Amsterdam. In addition to the Netherlands, Toloka has offices in the US, Israel, Switzerland, and Serbia. We provide data for Generative AI development.
  • We are the trusted data partner for all stages of AI development–from training to evaluation. Toloka has over a decade of experience supporting clients with its unique methodology and optimal combination of machine learning technology and human expertise. Toloka offers high quality expert data for training models at scale.
  • The Toloka team has supported clients with high-quality data and exceptional service for over 10 years.
  • Toloka ensures the quality and accuracy of collected data through rigorous quality assurance measures–including multiple checks and verifications–to provide our clients with data that is reliable and accurate. Our unique quality control methodology includes built-in post-verification, dynamic overlaps, cross-validation, and golden sets.
  • Toloka has developed a state-of-the-art technology platform for data labeling and has over 10 years of managing human efforts, ensuring operational excellence at scale. Now, Toloka collaborates with data workers from 100+ countries speaking 40+ languages across 20+ knowledge domains and 120+ subdomains.
  • Toloka provides high-quality data for each stage of large language model (LLM) and generative AI (GenAI) development as a managed service. We offer data for fine-tuning, RLHF, and evaluation. Toloka handles a diverse range of projects and tasks of any data type—text, image, audio, and video—showcasing our versatility and ability to cater to various client needs.
  • Toloka addresses ML training data production needs for companies of various sizes and industries– from big tech giants to startups. Our experts cover over 20 knowledge domains and 120 subdomains, enabling us to serve every industry, including complex fields such as medicine and law. Many successful projects have demonstrated Toloka's expertise in delivering high-quality data to clients. Learn more about the use cases we feature on our customer case studies page.