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Toloka Team

Oct 3, 2023

Oct 3, 2023

Essential ML Guide

Essential ML Guide

Unlocking AI's Full Potential: The Rise of Multimodal Models

Researchers and engineers are constantly striving to improve the capabilities of AI systems. One significant advancement in recent years has been the development of multimodal models, which have the potential to revolutionize the way AI understands and interacts with the world. In this article, we delve into the multifaceted world of multimodal models, unveiling their architecture, applications, and their potential to bridge the gap between AI and human understanding.

What is Modality?

Before exploring the intricacies and applications of multimodal models let's analyze what modality refers to. In the context of multimodal models and artificial intelligence, modality refers to the various types of data or information that a system can process or understand. Common modalities include:

  • Text. This includes written or spoken language, such as text documents, transcripts, or speech. Natural language processing (NLP) models are specialized in handling the text modality;

  • Video. This modality combines both visual and auditory data, typically involving moving images and accompanying sounds. Models specialized in computer vision (CV) and specifically in video analysis can interpret this combined data;

  • Images. This modality encompasses visual data, such as photographs, drawings, or any other type of visual content. Computer vision models analyze images. Visual data is examined for object recognition, image classification, and other CV tasks;

  • Sensor Data. This type of data is collected from various sensors, such as accelerometers, gyroscopes, GPS, or environmental sensors, which are crucial in applications like autonomous vehicles;

  • Audio. The audio modality involves sound data, including spoken words, music, or environmental sounds. Models for tasks like speech recognition and audio analysis are focused on this modality.

The pertinent question in multimodal models is how to efficiently combine data from different modalities to maximize their utility in various applications.

What is So Unique About Multimodal AI?

Multimodal models represent a significant advancement in the field of artificial intelligence. These machine learning models, also known as multimodal deep learning models, have gained immense popularity and recognition due to their ability to process and understand information from multiple modalities or sources. They are just starting to emerge but are already getting a lot of attention and show promising breakthroughs in how we interact with smart systems.

What sets multimodal models apart is their capability to integrate and fuse data from different modalities into a unified representation. This fusion process is often achieved through complex neural network architectures, with the transformer model being a prominent choice. The result is a model that can capture intricate relationships and dependencies between various types of data.

Multimodal models excel in tasks that require a holistic understanding of the context, as they process information from multiple sources simultaneously. This allows them to generate responses, make predictions, and perform various AI-related tasks with a depth of comprehension that was previously challenging to achieve.

AI models that can only handle one modality are called unimodal AI. Their input is limited to a specific source of information, such as text, images, audio, or sensor data. Unimodal AI applications include traditional NLP models that work exclusively with text, image recognition models that identify objects in images, or speech recognition systems that transcribe spoken language and so on.

How Multimodal Models Work

Multimodal AI systems can understand many different types of data, such as words, pictures, sounds, and video. To make sense of all this data, the multimodal AI employs multiple unimodal neural networks for each data type. So, there's a part that's great at understanding pictures and another part that's great at understanding words.

These neural networks extract important features from the input data. They are often constructed using three main modules that work in conjunction to enable the model to process and understand information from diversified modalities. These components are integral to the successful operation of such systems:

Input module

Unimodal encoders are responsible for feature extraction and understanding within their specific modality. These networks are specifically designed and trained to process the data from their respective modality. For example, a convolutional neural network (CNN) may process image data, while a recurrent neural network (RNN) may deal with text data. Each unimodal network is trained independently on a dataset relevant to its modality.

Fusion Module

Now, these obtained attributes need to be mixed. That's where the multimodal data fusion method comes in. It takes the extracted features from the audio, image and/or the textual processing neural networks and blends them into a single understanding or shared feature representation. The primary objective of multimodal fusion is to bring together information from diverse modalities in a way that allows the AI system to understand the relationships and dependencies between them.

This holistic understanding is essential for tasks that require insights from multiple sources. For example, understanding an image's content is enhanced when it's combined with textual descriptions. Simply speaking, this is the phase where the multimodal AI figures out how the pictures, video, text, and/ or audio recordings relate to each other.

Output Module

A multimodal classifier is a component responsible for making predictions or decisions based on the fused data representation of information from numerous modalities. It is a crucial part of the multimodal model that determines the final output or action the system should take. After all these phases, a multimodal AI system can understand and utilize combinations of data from various sources, such as text, images, audio, or video.

Benefits of Multimodal AI

Here are some of the key advantages of multimodal AI:

Enhanced Understanding

Multimodal AI can provide a more thorough and subtle understanding of data by considering information from multiple sources. By combining these diverse data points, the model gains a richer context for analysis. This context allows the model to understand the content from various perspectives and consider nuanced details that may not be evident with a unimodal approach.

Multimodality gives the system the ability to get what's going on in a conversation or in the data it's dealing with. For example, if you show a model a picture and some words, it can figure out what's happening by looking at both the picture and the words together. Contextual understanding is like giving the algorithm the power to look at the big picture, not just the words, and that's a big deal in making AI more human. In natural language processing, this is crucial for accurate language grasping and bringing about pertinent responses.

Real-life Conversations

Just a couple of years ago AI-assistant sounded robotic and were not very good at understanding. That's because they usually only understood one way of communicating, for instance just text or speech. Now, multimodal models make it easier for machines to interact with people more naturally.

A multimodal virtual assistant, for instance, can hear your voice commands, but it also pays attention to your face and how you're moving. This way, it can identify your intentions. So, the experience becomes more personalized and exciting.

Improved Accuracy

Multimodal AI models can enhance accuracy and reduce errors in their outcomes by bringing information from diverse modalities together. In unimodal AI systems, inaccuracies can arise from the limitations of a single modality. Multimodal AI can help identify and correct errors by comparing and validating information across modalities. By integrating various modalities, multimodal AI models can leverage the strengths of each, leading to a more comprehensive and accurate understanding of the data.

The advent of deep learning and neural networks has played a pivotal role in enhancing multimodal machine learning accuracy. These models have shown remarkable capabilities in extracting intricate features from data. When extended to handle multiple modalities simultaneously, deep learning techniques enable the creation of complex, interconnected representations that capture the nuances of the information.

Challenges of Multimodal Machine Learning Models

Building multimodal model architectures presents a set of challenges that arise from the need to combine and process information from different modalities effectively. These challenges include:

Fusion Mechanisms

Deciding how to effectively merge information from different modalities is a non-trivial task. Selecting the right fusion mechanism depends on the task and the data. There are several methods for performing fusion, including early fusion, late fusion, and hybrid fusion.

In early fusion, the data from each source is brought together and integrated before any further processing or analysis takes place. Late fusion takes a different approach by processing each modality separately and then combining their outputs at a later stage of the decision-making process. Hybrid fusion represents a middle ground between early and late fusion. In this approach, some modalities are fused at the input level (early fusion), while others are combined at a later stage (late fusion).

When selecting a fusion method, it is important to ensure that the fusion process retains the most relevant information from each modality while minimizing the introduction of noise or irrelevant information. This entails a careful consideration of the interplay between the data modalities and the specific objectives of the machine learning model.


Co-learning introduces specific challenges that are related to simultaneously training on varied modalities or tasks. First of all, it can lead to interference, where learning one modality or task negatively affects the performance of a model on other modalities. This in turn can lead to catastrophic forgetting. It can occur when learning new tasks or modalities causes the model to forget how to perform tasks in the same or another modality.

Another hurdle includes the need to create models that can effectively handle the inherent heterogeneity and variability present in data from different modalities. This means that the model must be adaptable enough to process diverse types of information.


Multimodal translation is a complex task that involves the translation of content that spans multiple modalities from one language to another or between different modalities. Multimodal AI translation includes tasks such as image-to-text, audio-to-text, or text-to-image generation where the meaning and content may differ significantly.

Ensuring that the model can understand the semantic content and relationships between text, audio, and visuals is a significant challenge. Building effective representations that can capture such multimodal data is also challenging. These representations should be aligned and enable meaningful interactions between modalities.


Multimodal representation means turning information from different sources, like pictures, words, or sounds, into a format that a model can understand. Usually as a vector or tensor. When we work with data from different sources, sometimes some parts of it are more useful than others, which may be complementary or redundant. The goal is to organize it in a way that promotes a better understanding of that data, so we get the most useful information without unnecessary clutter.

But it's not always easy, as there might be mistakes in it, and some data might be missing. Moreover, each of these data types has its unique way of being shown to a computer i.e. its representation. For instance, images are like grids of numbers, text is like scattered vectors, and sound is a wave line. Since these representations are so different, it's a challenge to create a single computer model that can understand and use them all effectively.


Alignment is making sure that different types of information, like video and sounds or images and text, match up correctly. When information from different sources and modalities doesn't line up properly, it can cause issues.

Aligning modalities can be tricky. First, there might not be clear instructions for the model because there aren't enough annotated datasets. To teach a machine how to align data, we need lots of examples where the matching is done correctly. Second, making rules to compare different types of information is not easy because figuring out how similar data from one source is to data from another source can be tricky. Third, there can be more than one right way for alignment.

Multimodal AI Applications

Despite all the complications, multimodal AI continues to evolve and has many applications. New models are introduced and they become smarter with each new release. Some of their capabilities include:

Visual Question Answering (VQA)

VQA systems enable users to ask questions about images or videos, and the AI system provides answers. This means that instead of merely recognizing what's in a picture, these AI systems can also understand and respond to questions related to that image. VQA is a dynamic and evolving field that combines the power of computer vision and natural language processing to enable AI systems to understand and interact with the visual world in a more human-like manner.

Image and Video Captioning

Multimodal AI can generate textual descriptions for images and videos. This is valuable for content indexing, accessibility, and assisting visually impaired individuals. Image and video captioning is also a field at the intersection of computer vision and natural language processing.

Image captioning AI systems analyze the visual content of an image by identifying objects, scenes, and other elements within the image. Video captioning takes image captioning a step further by understanding not only the content of individual frames but also the temporal dynamics and relationships between frames in a video. It aims to generate coherent narratives or descriptions that cover the entire video sequence.

Gesture Recognition

Gesture recognition is a field of artificial intelligence and computer vision that involves the identification, interpretation, and understanding of human gestures and movements, often for the purpose of interacting with and controlling computers or other devices. Such systems use various sensors and data sources to capture and interpret gestures. These may include cameras, depth sensors, accelerometers, gyroscopes, and more. Gesture recognition often relies on computer vision techniques to track and interpret movements.

Natural Language for Visual Reasoning (NLVR)

NLVR assesses the capabilities of AI models in comprehending and reasoning about natural language descriptions of visual scenes. The primary objective is to determine whether an AI model can correctly identify the image that aligns with a given textual description of a scene. Given two images, one that matches the description and one that does not, the model must make the correct choice.

This involves understanding the text's semantics and reasoning about the visual content in both images to make an accurate decision. NLVR systems often employ textual descriptions with complex linguistic structures, such as spatial relations ("next to," "above"), object properties ("red," "large"), and context-dependent statements that may involve logical reasoning.

Examples of Multimodal Learning Models

Some prominent multimodal architectures include:

  • DALL-E by OpenAI can generate images from textual prompts. You can describe a concept or scene in words, and the model will produce an image that corresponds to that description;

  • CLIP, which stands for "Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training," is trained to understand both images and text simultaneously. It can associate images with textual descriptions and vice versa;

  • Stable Diffusion is a text-to-image model, that generates diverse and visually appealing high-quality images;

  • KOSMOS-1 by Microsoft is a large language model capable of various tasks related to processing visuals and textual data, like VQA, image captioning, descriptions for images, and so on;

  • Flamingo by Google DeepMind is a multimodal visual language model that can analyze and process videos by describing their content.


Multimodal models are pushing the boundaries of AI capabilities by allowing machines to understand and interact with the world in a more human-like way. As they continue to evolve, we can expect to see even more remarkable applications across various industries, offering the potential to revolutionize the way we live and work.

Article written by:

Toloka Team


Oct 3, 2023

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