
Toloka Education

We collaborate with universities and researchers to share expertise 
in human data labeling and promote Responsible AI.

For researchers and educators

We have 10+ years of research and unique industry expertise to share.

  • Guest lecturesYou can invite our speaker to give a lecture for your course, or we can organize an independent event.Talk to us
  • Conference supportWe can help you organize workshops, tutorials or panel discussions. To propose collaboration on scientific projects, contact our Research team.Toloka Research

University partnerships

We run tutorials and workshops, provide grants and educational materials, and take part in scientific events all over the world. 
If you'd like to join us, reach out to discuss a long-term partnership.

Sponsorship of student projects in crowdsourcing courses at TU Delft & PennState

Many educators need data sets and projects for their courses, and we believe in supporting educators and students with access to human data labeling. At the moment we are proud sponsors of the Crowd Computing Course at TUDelft and the Crowdsourcing & Crowd-AI Systems Course at Pennsylvania State University. Every course starts with a hands-on tutorial that demonstrates real use cases. Then participants use Toloka to collect and label data free of charge. At the end of the course we run a group project presentation with invited experts.


Saiph Savage, Director, Civic A.I. Lab Northeastern University & UNAM

We are creating technology that is empowering workers while also ensuring quality labor for the projects of academics and industry actors. Our collaborative research led us to be recognized by UNESCO as one of the 100 most impactful projects in AI. This collaboration has also helped us develop crowdsourcing mini-courses at Northeastern University and the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM).

Guest lectures

Materials used in the “Global UX” course at Northeastern University, USA

We provide educators with learning materials that can be easily included in a course or used independently. For example, our materials are used in the Global UX course at Northeastern University. When we share our materials and expertise with faculty members, we also teach them how to apply all of that in the most efficient way.

Educational resources

Toloka at top-tier conferences

Where to learn more

Interested in collaboration?

Let's talk about how we can support your education initiatives