Adaptive Auto ML
Choose from our catalog of models that are pre-trained and tuned to solve problems in specific domains.
- Sentiment analysis for Finance
- Multilingual speech recognition
- Content moderation
- and more
Learn moreGUI for model inference
Run inference in the browser to play with your model and find out what it can do.
Production monitoring
Native integration of tracking metrics makes monitoring easy.
- Evaluate model production metricsÂ
in real time - Monitor health, technical, and availability metrics in one place
Dataset management
Dataset versioning, data streaming, and data labeling embedded into the platform.
- Track the dataset and version used in each training iteration
- Use our tools to label data yourself or access Toloka's huge crowd for large-scale data labeling
- Connect your data streams for continual data processing and model tuning Coming soon
Experiment tracking
Run training directly on the platform.
- Track hyperparameters, optimization methods, and metrics for model tuning
- Link them to models and datasets for transparent flow
Tools for performance comparisons
At-a-glance visual tools to keep up with new metrics.
- Identify slices that reveal bias or low accuracy
- Track changes over time for 360-degree model monitoring