
crowdkit.aggregation.classification.dawid_skene.DawidSkene | Source code

n_iter: int = 100,
tol: float = 1e-05

The Dawid-Skene aggregation model is a probabilistic model that parametrizes the expertise level of workers with confusion matrices.

Let ewe^w be a worker confusion (error) matrix of size K×KK \times K in case of the KK class classification, pp be a vector of prior class probabilities, zjz_j be a true task label, and yjwy^w_j be a worker response to the task jj. The relationship between these parameters is represented by the following latent label model.

Dawid-Skene latent label model

Here the prior true label probability is

Pr(zj=c)=p[c]\operatorname{Pr}(z_j = c) = p[c],

and the probability distribution of the worker responses with the true label cc is represented by the corresponding column of the error matrix:

Pr(yjw=kzj=c)=ew[k,c]\operatorname{Pr}(y_j^w = k | z_j = c) = e^w[k, c]

Parameters pp, ewe^w, and latent variables zz are optimized with the Expectation-Maximization algorithm:

  1. E-step. Estimates the true task label probabilities using the specified workers' responses, the prior label probabilities, and the workers' error probability matrix.
  2. M-step. Estimates the workers' error probability matrix using the specified workers' responses and the true task label probabilities.

A. Philip Dawid and Allan M. Skene. Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Observer Error-Rates Using the EM Algorithm.

Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C (Applied Statistics), Vol. 28, 1 (1979), 20–28.


Parameters description


The maximum number of EM iterations.


The tolerance stopping criterion for iterative methods with a variable number of steps. The algorithm converges when the loss change is less than the tol parameter.


The task labels. The pandas.Series data is indexed by task so that labels.loc[task] is the most likely true label of tasks.


The probability distributions of task labels. The pandas.DataFrame data is indexed by task so that result.loc[task, label] is the probability that the task true label is equal to label. Each probability is in the range from 0 to 1, all task probabilities must sum up to 1.


The prior label distribution. The pandas.Series data is indexed by label and contains the probability of the corresponding label occurrence. Each probability is in the range from 0 to 1, all probabilities must sum up to 1.


The workers' error matrices. The pandas.DataFrame data is indexed by worker and label with a column for every label_id found in data so that result.loc[worker, observed_label, true_label] is the probability that worker produces observed_label, given that the task true label is true_label.


A list of loss values during training.


from crowdkit.aggregation import DawidSkene
from crowdkit.datasets import load_dataset
df, gt = load_dataset('relevance-2')
ds = DawidSkene(100)
result = ds.fit_predict(df)

Methods summary

fitFits the model to the training data with the EM algorithm.
fit_predictFits the model to the training data and returns the aggregated results.
fit_predict_probaFits the model to the training data and returns probability distributions of labels for each task.

Last updated: March 31, 2023
