Inserting videos

This section describes how to insert a video and make sure the Toloker viewed it.

Inserting videos

To add a video file to the task interface, use the component. In the url property, specify a direct link to the file or component that returns the link. To use the link from the input data, use the data.input component.

If you want to add several videos to a page, see the examples in Comparing video clips.


You can add media files (audio files, videos, images) from your own server, a cloud storage like Google Cloud, Amazon AWS, or Yandex Cloud.

View example

Make sure that the Toloker watched the video {#condition.played}

Started watching
Viewed completely

To make sure that the Toloker played the video, in the validation property use the condition.played component.

View example
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Last updated: February 10, 2023

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