A component for entering the date and time in the desired format and range.
You can set a list of dates that a Toloker can't select.
View exampleName | Type | Description |
type * | "field.date" | Set component type. |
data * | writable | Data with values that will be processed or changed. Learn more about working with data. |
label | string | Label above the component. |
blockList | array | List of dates that a Toloker can't select. |
blockList[] | string | Date that a Toloker cannot select. |
format * | string | Format of the date entered by a Toloker:
hint | string | Hint text. |
max | string | The latest date and time in the
min | string | The earliest date and time in the
placeholder | string | A semi-transparent label that is shown in the box when it is empty. |
validation | condition | Validation based on condition. |
Last updated: August 21, 2023