Audio classification

For this type of project, you can use the Audio classification preset. Note that validation, keyboard shortcuts, and task layout are already configured in this example.

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Components used in the example

You can add media files (audio files, videos, images) from your own server, a cloud storage like Google Cloud, Amazon AWS, or Yandex Cloud.

Add a description

To add a detailed description to the task, use the label property of the component.

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Add a layout

To enhance Toloker's experience, you can highlight different types of data with colors using view.alert. You can place it in the view.list along with the other components.

In this example, the description is highlighted with a blue border, and the buttons are highlighted with a yellow one.

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Add a response field

To let Tolokers leave comments about the task or their response, add a text field using field.textarea.

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Add conditions

The helper.if component displays an interface element after a specific response is selected. For example, it lets a Toloker select correct statements about an audio only if the audio is loaded.

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Audio and text comparison

You can add text from input data to audio classification tasks. For example, this is useful if an audio recording was recognized automatically, and now you need Tolokers to correct errors in the text. To do this, use the view.text component and refer to the number of the element in the input data array in the content property.

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Last updated: August 30, 2023

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