Product category classification

For this type of project, you can use the Product category classification preset.

This preset is used for labeling search queries with product categories for training classifiers and NLP models.

Take a look at the example: the interface includes a link with a search query and a group of radio buttons for categories.

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Components used in the example

Add a description

To add a detailed description to the task, use the view.text component.

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If you need to display formatted text, use the view.markdown component. Note that this setting is resource-intensive and might overload Tolokers' devices that aren't powerful enough.

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Add a layout

To enhance Toloker's experience, you can highlight different types of data with colors using view.alert. You can place it in the view.list along with the other components.

In this example, the text is highlighted with a blue border.

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Add a condition

If the query doesn't match any of the categories, add a Select category checkbox using the field.checkbox component.

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Add an image

You can add an image that matches the query to your task using view.image.

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Add a response field

To let Tolokers leave comments about the task or their response, add a text field using field.textarea.

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See also

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Last updated: June 30, 2023

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