For this type of project, you can use the Audio comparison (Side-by-side) preset.
Take a look at the example: there are two audio tracks and buttons to choose an answer. Note that validation, keyboard shortcuts, and task layout are already configured in this example.
View exampleYou can add media files (audio files, videos, images) from your own server, a cloud storage like Google Cloud, Amazon AWS, or Yandex Cloud.
To check whether a Toloker listened to the whole audio, replace the condition.played component with condition.played-fully.
To put a short audio track on repeat, change the properties of the component by adding loop: true
Add shortcuts for playing and pausing audio tracks using the plugin.hotkeys plugin.
If this preset doesn't meet your needs, see other examples in this section.
If you need comments from the Toloker, add a text field using field.textarea. In this example, additional validation is set up that requires you to enter text if one of two audio tracks is selected.
Audio tracks can be arranged in a single column, top to bottom. This interface is better suited for comparing more than two audio recordings.
View exampleYou can add a field with a source text using the view.text component. For example, this might be useful if you want to find out which of the audio recordings best matches the description.
To enhance Toloker's experience, you can highlight different types of data with colors using view.alert. In this example, the source text is highlighted with a blue border, and the buttons are highlighted with a yellow one.
Last updated: February 10, 2023