Voice recording

For this type of project, you can use the Voice Recording preset.

This preset helps you convert text to speech. Using the Toloka mobile app, Tolokers should tap the button and read the text aloud. If the Toloker uses a desktop application, when he clicks on the button, a window opens to download an audio file. After getting the results, you can listen to the recordings and download them.

Take a look at the example: the labeling interface includes a text and a voice recorder button. Note that the validation and task layout are already configured in this example.

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Components used in the example

If this template doesn't meet your needs, see other examples in the Audio section.

Add a description

To add a detailed description to the task, use the view.text component.

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Add a layout

To enhance Toloker's experience, you can highlight different types of data with colors using view.alert. You can place it in the view.list along with the other components.

In this example, the text is highlighted with a blue border.

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Add a condition

The helper.if component displays an interface element after a specific response is selected.

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Last updated: February 22, 2023

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