Recipes for Toloka-Kit common tasks

Before you can start using Toloka-Kit, you need to register with Toloka, get an API key, and install the Toloka-Kit Python library. After that, you can create projects, pools, upload tasks, and get results.

Use the list of recipes below to find out how to start working with Toloka-Kit.


Create project

Create a minimal working project using Toloka-Kit

6 steps

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Get list of projects

Get all the projects with a certain status created after a specified date

3 steps

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Get project details

Get the detailed information about the project with the ID specified in the request

4 steps

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Edit project

Change the project public description using Toloka-Kit

6 steps

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Archive project

Move the project which you no longer use into archive

4 steps

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Create pool

Create a pool in a project in Toloka

5 steps

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Get list of pools

Get the list of the pools with the 'CLOSED' status in your project

3 steps

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Get pool details

Get the detailed information about the pool with the ID specified in the request

4 steps

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Open pool

Open a closed pool in Toloka

4 steps

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Close pool

Close an opened pool in Toloka

4 steps

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Archive pool

Move the pool which you no longer use into archive

4 steps

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Clone pool

Create a copy of an existing pool preserving the main parameters

4 steps

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Change pool priority

Change the priority of the pool and offer it to Tolokers before other pools

4 steps

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Toloker selection

Set overlap

Set overlap for tasks at pool, task suite, and task levels

6 steps

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Filter Tolokers

Use pool filters to specify the Toloker groups you want to pick your tasks

5 steps

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Filter Tolokers with confirmed language knowledge

Use pool filters to filter the Tolokers with various languages for which they passed the language test

4 steps

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Use quality control rules

Use quality control rules to restrict access to the tasks for the Tolokers who try and breach them

9 steps

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Get skills

Get all the skills available in your Toloka account

3 steps

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Create skill

Create a skill that you can assign to Tolokers

4 steps

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Assign skill to Toloker

Assign an existing skill to Tolokers and set its level

4 steps

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Edit skill

Modify an existing skill

6 steps

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List Tolokers with skills

Get all the skills assigned to the Toloker with the ID specified in the request

3 steps

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Remove skill from Toloker

Remove the skill from the Toloker using the ID of the "skill-Toloker" pair

3 steps

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Tasks and task suites

Group tasks in task suites

Create tasks and group them into task suites

6 steps

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Upload tasks

Create and upload control and general tasks to the pool

6 steps

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Get list of tasks

Get all the tasks in the pool with the ID specified in the request

3 steps

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Get task details

Get the detailed information about the task with the ID specified in the request

4 steps

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Change task overlap

Increase the overlap of a task when you need more Tolokers to complete it

4 steps

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Get list of responses

Get all the Toloker responses present in the pool with the ID specified in the request

3 steps

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Aggregate responses in pool

Aggregate the responses from Tolokers for all completed tasks in a pool

5 steps

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Accept responses from Tolokers

Accept Toloker responses with the IDs specified in the request

4 steps

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Reject responses from Tolokers

Reject Toloker responses with the IDs specified in the request

4 steps

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Get list of files in responses

List all the files attached to the Toloker responses in a pool

3 steps

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Download attachments

Download the files attached to the Toloker responses

3 steps

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Issue bonuses to Tolokers

Additionally reward Tolokers who completed their tasks better than others

4 steps

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Get list of all bonuses issued

Get all the bonuses you issued in Toloka

3 steps

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Get bonus details

Get the detailed information about the bonus with the ID specified in the request

4 steps

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Banning Tolokers

Ban Tolokers

Restrict the access to tasks for Tolokers

4 steps

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Get list of bans

Get the list of all the Toloker bans

3 steps

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Remove ban from Toloker

Remove restriction from Tolokers and restore their access to tasks

3 steps

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Send messages

Compose and send messages to single or multiple recipients in Toloka

4 steps

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Get list of message threads

Get the list of all the message threads present in a specific folder in your account

3 steps

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Reply to message thread

Send a reply to a message thread in Toloka

4 steps

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Advanced Toloka-Kit user?

If you feel rather confident as a Toloka-Kit user and want to try a more complex scenario, refer to the following pages:

Last updated: February 7, 2023

OverviewGetting API keyQuick start
toloka.autoquality [autoquality]