Object recognition & detection

For this type of project, you can use the Object recognition & detection preset.

This preset is designed to outline objects in images for training computer vision to detect them.

Take a look at the example: the labeling interface includes an image with bounding boxes, polygons, or key points. Note that validation, keyboard shortcuts, and task layout are already configured in this example.

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Components used in the example

You can add media files (audio files, videos, images) from your own server, a cloud storage like Google Cloud, Amazon AWS, or Yandex Cloud.

If this preset doesn't meet your needs, see other examples in this section.

Add a description

To add a detailed description to the task, use the label property of the field.image-annotation component.

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Add a response field

To let Tolokers leave comments about the task or their response, add a text field using field.textarea. You can place it in the view.list along with the field.image-annotation component.

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Add a layout

To enhance Toloker's experience, you can highlight different types of data with colors using view.alert. You can place it in the view.list along with the field.image-annotation component.

In this example, the text is highlighted with a yellow border.

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See also

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Last updated: February 10, 2023

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